I was initially just planning on writing this blog to update everyone on how shitty and downhill things went.
At first it was "Don't worry, these seizures are OK because you're healing and your brain is trying to figure everything out." And that sounded reasonable and we all accepted it. Then, on September 9th, I had 3 seizures in one day. And my doctor wasn't happy about it. None of us were. So she booked another "Video EEG"- remember that? Where I go up to the hospital for "3-10 days" and look super cool, like this
So they are going to try to figure out why the hell I'm having seizures. And where they are coming from NOW since I've had surgery TWICE.
When I heard that news, I got angry. REALLY REALLY ANGRY.
And I started remembering how AWFUL it was to try and wash all of that stupid glue out of my hair. And that is the real reason behind my new haircut... And I agree, I am rocking the pixie, and I should have done it a long time ago, but I was about to "go full Britney" and shave it. Luckily, I have an amazing hairstylist and she gave my an adorable pixie cut instead.
And yes,I understand that this needs to be done. But it takes me away from my kids for "3-10 days". When they go to their dads, I know how long they are gone. When I'm up there, I have no idea how long I'm up there. I'm just going to miss them.
And when I'm up there, I'm being poked. And bothered. And followed to the bathroom. And lights are flashed in my face. And I am miserable.
And despite my best efforts to go into hermit mode, my wonderful husband wouldn't allow it.
I had a horrible dream where my fingernails got ripped off... My nails are very brittle because of all of my medication, so I was terrified it would actually happen. When your best friend is a nail technician, she is able to help with that. Christina gave me adorable gel nails to help me feel better... They are stronger now and I feel better. Randy booked the appointment, so it forced me to socialize as well. And I vented about my anger towards the whole Video EEG thing. I had already unloaded on my friend Justin as well. And my poor sister. And I think on my poor co-parent. lol I'm getting pissed you guys. And every time my head hurts or I have a seizure, I get even angrier.
I didn't have a hemorrhage and go through a second round of surgery for this NOT TO WORK. Come on brain! Figure this shit out already!!!!
So... Somehow... SOMEWHERE... Someone was like "I have an idea... this is going to cheer her up, I think..."
My amazing friends decided to just make me cry.
I have this adorable friend, Susan. We met in high school. And the minute I met her, I was like "Ugh... she's talented and adorable. I guess I'm going to be stuck hanging out with her in theatre." LOL She is one of those people that you just love the minute you meet her. She is amazing. And after college and after everything, we managed to reconnect and stay in touch. And it seems like no matter what, if we are in the same city, no matter how little the time window is, we manage to squeeze in the chance to say hi to each other. Last time I saw her, she sat at the table and was like "Hey, I just got back from Cabo"... and she pretty much meant literally. But she didn't care. She was exhausted and most people wouldn't have made the time, but she did. She came by and hung out.
She is just incredible.
She is an amazing woman. And I just absolutely love her. She made me an amazing video the other day... And I haven't been able to get over it yet. This post ended up being a post about how amazing my friends are.
I cherish them so much. It's funny when you're a kid, or a teenager, you don't realize who you're going to be sticking with as an adult. I can't say Susan and I were particularly close in high school. We got along well and had a great time together, but I never imagined that she would be with me through a divorce, or my son would have a giant crush on her, or that she would be there to support me through a battle like this.
I know my friends are fierce and loving. It's helping turn the anger into laughter which is exactly what I needed.
Cherish your friends everyone.